Saturday, October 17, 2020

Should I vaccinate my cat / dog?

100% yes and must. Don't wait or delay. This will protect them from virus. Yeah virus and it's scary like hell, just like COVID-19 causing death. You hear me, it will cause death.

Previously, I had no experience in handling cats as pet. I didn't know that vaccination is so important and I always procrastinate and never take this as priority. 

There's this tragic story where I had 2 kittens living together in a room. One had vaccinated once, another didn't.  Then one day, the one who didn't vaccinate yet, I call her Lulu, suddenly vomit. Vomit is normal for cat, and not a big concern actually. Then the frequency increase the next day to 3 times a day. Then 5 times the following day. Worse, Lulu is not eating anymore. 

So I brought her to veterinarian for checkup. I got the shock of my life, when the veterinarian told me she actually dying 😭 We had a blood test on her and she contracted FPV - Feline Parvovirus. There's no cure for this virus. The veterinarian suggest me to bring to a veterinary that has hospitalization facility, to have any chance of alive. I immediately bring her for hospitalization, put on drip. Doctor say she has 50/50 chance to be alive. Unfortunately, she died the following day. Still feeling sad while typing this.

According to the veterinarian, if the cat has vaccinated, the chance of contracting this virus is far lesser and even if contracted, they are strong enough to fight it off. A painful lesson for me.

** Curse this FPV - Feline Parvovirus. It will eat up the cat internal organs and Lulu stomach actually got destroyed by it. There's a day, when Lulu actually shit out a long rubbery stuff, which I suspect is her intestines 😭😭😭😭😭😭

                                                             Rest in peace...... Lulu

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